Fostering Rotherham
Fostering Rotherham are looking to spread the word about fostering in Rotherham to find people from all walks of life who can share the love in their heart and a room in their home with a local child on a full-time or part-time basis.
Rotherham has a valued community of foster carers looking after our children and young people – but we still need more. There are children in care in Rotherham right now who would benefit hugely from a foster home.
We would be grateful if you are able to support to spread the word about fostering within your networks and community. Things you can do to help include:
Talking about fostering with your networks, colleagues, family and friends.
Sharing the attached guide with those in your networks who may be interested or may know people who would be interested in becoming a foster carer.
Directing people to the Fostering Rotherham website and encouraging those interested to attend one of our monthly information sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Oxer (Kelly.Oxer@rotherham.gov.uk).